Meta Tests Out New Generative AI Features with Small Group of Advertisers

Meta previews generative AI tools coming to WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram, plus internal AI tools

The sandbox will be a “testing playground for early versions of new tools and features, including generative AI-powered ad tools.” That suggests Meta is introducing a new process that can be employed for future AI tool launches. «We believe an open approach is the right one for the development of today’s AI models, especially those in the generative space where the technology is rapidly advancing,» Meta wrote in a July 18 news release. AI development is incredibly expensive, but Meta is determined to make its new model available under an open-source license, meaning it will be free for other companies to use and build a range of generative AI tools and services. The Big Tech company has been vocal about its ambitions in the space, particularly around building AI into its products.

meta generative ai

“[I] expect we’ll start seeing some of them [commercialization of the tech] this year. We just created a new team, the generative AI team, a couple of months ago; they are very busy. It’s probably the area that I’m spending the most time [in], as well as Mark Zuckerberg and [Chief Product Officer] Chris Cox,” Bosworth told Nikkei Asia in an interview at the time. Meta released a new open-source AI code called AudioCraft, which lets users create music and sounds entirely through generative AI.

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They are grappling with changes to how data is shared across apps and devices under new privacy restrictions online. AI is useful in developing models that plan marketing campaigns and measure ad performance. Generative AI, though, is a creative catalyst—a technology that conjures text, images, videos and digital renderings in seconds. It’s also a nascent and unknown technology that could be used for deepfakes and lead to unforeseen consequences in culture.

  • Meta’s focus seems to be pivoting strongly towards AI across all its apps even though it has claimed to be also heavily focused on its metaverse projects.
  • Generative AI, technology that creates text and images based on users prompts, has caught the attention of businesses across industries after the popular reaction to the wide release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT chatbot.
  • This feature enables the simple and enhanced visual addition to their suite of campaign assets and saves time in the whole iteration of the ad material lifecycle.
  • In addition to the consumer-facing tools, executives at the meeting also announced a productivity assistant for employees called Metamate that could answer queries and perform tasks based on information gleaned from internal company systems.
  • In collaboration with Ahmad Al-Dahle, VP of Engineering, Generative AI at Meta, Zuckerberg shared more about these projects during the meeting.
  • So while generative AI is impressive in what it can provide now, it’s getting closer to being more reliable as an assistive tool, and likely a bigger part of your workflow too.

This feature helps them to tailor their message for a range of demographics while keeping the core idea of the message intact. This level of personalization ensures that brands connect with their target audience more personally, maximizing their impression of them. With new models like CM3leon showing promising performance, Meta seems determined to aggressively pursue AI to reshape its Yakov Livshits future, after leaving investors unimpressed with its metaverse endeavors. The model can not only generate high-fidelity images from text descriptions, but also write coherent captions for existing images. This lays the groundwork for more advanced image understanding models in the future. Meta hopes to get buy-in from a diverse range of industry verticals for AI Sandbox, per Hegeman.

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This feature enables the simple and enhanced visual addition to their suite of campaign assets and saves time in the whole iteration of the ad material lifecycle. They will also allow Meta Yakov Livshits to compete with social media platforms that are already incorporating AI. Axios had first reported the news of the consumer-facing AI agents and photo-editing tools, specifically.

Yakov Livshits
Founder of the DevEducation project
A prolific businessman and investor, and the founder of several large companies in Israel, the USA and the UAE, Yakov’s corporation comprises over 2,000 employees all over the world. He graduated from the University of Oxford in the UK and Technion in Israel, before moving on to study complex systems science at NECSI in the USA. Yakov has a Masters in Software Development.

MediaTek Leverages Meta’s Llama 2 to Enhance On-Device … – PR Newswire

MediaTek Leverages Meta’s Llama 2 to Enhance On-Device ….

Posted: Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Researchers can choose from 7B, 13B, 33B, and 65B parameter models, the smallest of which is trained on one trillion tokens. «To train effective models to unlock these advancements, a significant amount of information is needed from publicly available and licensed sources,» Meta said in the blog post. The company added that «use of public information and licensed data is in our interests, and we are committed to being transparent about the legal bases that we use for processing this information.»

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg believes that this heavy investment in generative AI aligns with the company’s vision for the metaverse and could open up new revenue streams. These new features will give users a more personalized experience and new ways to express themselves. This will allow creators to produce better content faster to earn more income through Facebook and Instagram monetization programs. You can read the research paper for more and sign up to receive notifications about future tool releases. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta Platforms, announced the creation of a top-level product group that will focus on turbocharging Meta products with generative AI.

meta generative ai

Deeper in the weeds, the firm showed off a system called Meta Lattice that can better predict advertising outcomes and improve optimization without relying on multiple, siloed models, which was common at Meta in the past. “Where we see our unique opportunity is to tightly integrate these features over time into our products, which will Yakov Livshits allow advertisers to do a number of powerful things,” said John Hegeman, vice president of monetization at Meta, during the event. According to Meta’s research on Autoregressive Multi-Modal Models, diffusion models have recently taken over picture production efforts because of their superior performance and low computing cost.

This empowers CM3Leon to successfully handle a variety of tasks like prompt questions and model generations. They also invited everyone in the AI community – academic researchers, civil society, policymakers, and industry – to develop guidelines for responsible AI and large language models to ensure a better future. Reuters, the news and media division of Thomson Reuters, is the world’s largest multimedia news provider, reaching billions of people worldwide every day. Reuters provides business, financial, national and international news to professionals via desktop terminals, the world’s media organizations, industry events and directly to consumers. And while such systems will likely never be as good as humans at detecting nuance and meaning, we could soon be subject to a lot more automated moderation within our posts.

Meta Publishes New Guide to Using AI in Marketing for Holiday … – Social Media Today

Meta Publishes New Guide to Using AI in Marketing for Holiday ….

Posted: Thu, 07 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]